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June 19, 2019

Thania Petersen and Athi-Patra Ruga at the Ford Foundation

WHATIFTHEWORLD is pleased to announce that Thania Petersen and Athi-Patra Ruga are showing in the exhibition, ‘Radical Love’, which opened at the Ford Foundation, New York last week. the show will be on until 17 August, 2019.

“Love, in the context of this exhibition, is defined by a commitment to the spiritual growth and interconnectedness of the individual, their community, and stewardship of the planet. Guided by the powerful words of bell hooks, ‘Were we all seeing more images of loving human interaction, it would undoubtedly have a positive impact on our lives.’ The works in Radical Love are grounded in ideas of devotion, abundance, and beauty; here, otherness and marginality is celebrated, adorned, and revered.”

Click here for more information.