Mia Chaplin and the GoGo Collective in Brugge

WHATIFTHEWORLD is pleased to announce that leading up to her solo exhibition with No Man’s Art Gallery in Amsterdam, Mia Chaplin will be showing in a group exhibition, ‘Measures of Poetry’, as part of the GoGo Collective.

The Collective formed in Cité internationale des arts in Paris, France in 2018, and consists of international artists exploring content and relationships through site-specific interventions in various global locations.

‘Measures of Poetry’, curated by Jan Van Woensel, applies Vito Acconci’s concept of spatial poetry as a curatorial methodology: “The process of methodologically adding artwork to the exhibition space of Bogarden’s Chapel provokes an evolution from a linear to a rhizomatic reading. ‘Measures of Poetry’ is approached as a situational confrontation of space, artwork, meaning, order, body, sound and language.”

The exhibition opens on 10 May at 6pm at the Bogardenkapel Brugge, Katelijnestraat 86, Belgium.

For more information, click here.

Lungiswa Gqunta at the Wanas Konst Museum

WHATIFTHEWORLD is pleased to announce that Lungiswa Gqunta’s work will be included in the exhibition ‘Not a Single Story II’ at the Wanas Konst museum in Sweden,

‘’Not A Single Story II’ is a further development of the large exhibition that Wanås Konst’s leadership duo co-curated at the Nirox Foundation sculpture park outside Johannesburg in 2018.’

The exhibition will run from 5 May 2019 until 3 November 2019.

For more information, click here.

Athi-Patra Ruga at Havana Biennial

WHATIFTHEWORLD is pleased to announce that Athi-Patra Ruga will be featuring in the exhibition, ‘Inside Out’, alongside Nigerian artist, Ayọ Akínwándé.

Curated by Isabel Moura Mendes and Natalia Palombo, the artists’s work will be hosted at Factoria Habana in Cuba as part of the curatorial project ‘Intersections’, a larger program curated by Concha Fontenla for the 13th Havana Biennial 2019. The exhibition opens on the 12th of April until the 30th of August, 2019.

“Ruga will exhibit his video work ‘Over The Rainbow’ from the ‘Queens in Exile’ series. This series centralises poignant themes of sexuality, dystopia and queerness, often framed within post-apartheid South Africa. The work embodies a very specific experience to framed within post-apartheid South Africa. The work embodies a very specific experience to explore colonial history, post-colonial present, and his personal experiences as a queer Xhosa man.

The exhibition strikes through particular external representations of a continent. The work opens up conversations about the politicisation of crisis in mainstream media by re-imagining history and the present in light of celebration and resilience. In centralising the nature of human-beings in crisis, the exhibition poses questions around authenticity and appropriation.”