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October 2, 2018

Lungiswa Gqunta at The Showroom

WHATIFTHEWORLD is pleased to announce that Lungiswa Gqunta will be presenting new works from her residency at Gasworks at The Showroom. The exhibition, titled Women on Aeroplanes will take place from the 3rd of October 2018 until 29 January 2019. The exhibition will open at The Showroom (63 Penfold Street
London NW8 8PQ) at 18h00 on the 2nd of October.

“The Showroom and The Otolith Collective will raise these questions in a curatorial format in the London iteration of Women on Aeroplanes – an international multi-part research and exhibition project, which loosely borrows its title from the novel by Ghanaian writer Kojo Laing, and its ethos from his implosive deconstructed syntax.

Lungiswa Gqunta will present a new series of drawings reflecting her research into the uses of sound and song as a mode of resistance to the often hidden structures of violence persisting as a result of systemic legacies of colonialism. Created as part of her residency at Gasworks (July – September 2018) they consider western musical score in relation to free Jazz, whilst meditating on the ways in which South African sound and song have been passed on through oral tradition in the contexts of protest and ritual. Accompanying these drawings, a sculptural installation conceived as a ‘garden of exile’ will reflect on the hardships endured by South Africans in exile. Together these works will evoke an experience of collective resistance and history-telling through song, amidst a subtly violent terrain.”

Click here for more information.