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February 24, 2017


WHATIFTHEWORLD is pleased to announce its participation in VOTLA NY 2017 with a solo presentation by artist Mohau Modisakeng (Booth B09).

In Modisakeng’s work the personal is political. Informed by his experience as a young boy in Soweto at the cross-roads of a violent political transition, Modisakeng uses memory as a portal between past and present to explore themes of history, body and place within the post – apartheid context. His photography, films, performance and installation attempt to unpack the legacy of inequality, capital, labour and the extraction of mineral wealth in contemporary South Africa.

Modisakeng’s oeuvre represents a poignant moment of grieving, catharsis and critical response to the historical legacy of exploitation and current lived experience of many black South Africans. Through his work Modisakeng critically engages with the complex mechanisms of violence, power and subjugation as propagated and to some extent internalized through the course of the successive colonial, apartheid and post apartheid regimes.

VOLTA NY 2017 is taking place from 1 – 5 March at Pier 90, West 50th Street at 12th Avenue, New York, NY 10019.

Wednesday, March 1
VIP + Public Vernissage
7 – 10 pm

Public Hours
Thursday – Saturday, March 2 – 4
12 – 8 pm
Sunday, March 5
12 – 5 pm

Click here for further information.